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- Opportunities Study
- Opportunities Study Timeline
Land in 65 CNEL area (types of development restricted due to noise from aircraft taking off at MCAS) was permitted for development of more than 11 million square feet of industrial and commercial buildings by County of Orange prior to City incorporation.
Lake Forest incorporates.
Measure W passes; Voters approve Great Park at former MCAS. Landowners approach City regarding changing land use.
Opportunities Study Phase 1; With sale of MCAS El Toro imminent, City and property owners took first steps to examine potential land use changes. Landowners agree to reimburse City for all costs related to Opportunities Study.
Opportunities Study Phase 2; Technical studies evaluation benefits and impacts of changing land use and zoning.
Opportunities Study Phase 3: City-wide traffic model and traffic mitigation plan developed, and series of public meetings held related to the preparation of the 800+ page Draft Environmental Impact report.
January 2006
City issues Draft Program Environmental Impact Report which evaluates impacts on schools, traffic, air quality, noise, and other environmental areas. Mitigation measures were proposed to offset significant impacts.
January 2008
City re-circulates portions of Draft Program Environmental Impact Report to include analysis of new alternative based upon review of community input.
March & April 2008
City holds two public workshops to outline Opportunities Study to the community and answer questions.
April 2008
Planning Commission passes resolutions to recommend City Council approve Opportunities Study General Plan Amendment, related zone changes, development agreements and certify Final Program EIR.
Summer 2008
City Council approved of General Plan Amendment, Zone Changes and four Development Agreements. City Council certified Final Program Environmental Impact Report and associated Mitigation Monitoring Program.
July 2008
The first application for a development within the OSA is submitted for the Pacific Heritage property (Site 6) on July 17, 2008. The property owner submitted a Site Development Permit (SDP 2008-11) and Tentative Tract Map (TTM 15594) for subdivision of the property and development of 85 single-family homes.
September 2008
The second application for a development within the OSA was submitted for the Portola Center property (Site 2) on September 2, 2008. The property owner submitted a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 15353/17300) and Area Plan (AP 2008-01) for subdivision of the property for development of up to 930 homes. The project is known as "The Pinnacle at Serrano Highlands."
USA Portola Properties, LLC submits applications for a Tentative Tract Maps (TTM 15353/17300) and Area Plan (AP 2008-01) for development of up to 930 homes, with parks and trail connections on approximately 243 acres (OSA Site 2). The project is known as "Portola Center."
June 2009
Notice of preparation of a draft environmental impact report is issued for the Sports Park and Recreation Center project on June 3, 2009. EIR Scoping Meeting held June 23, 2009.
July 2009
Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) and their representative Lewis Homes submit applications for a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 17331), Area Plan (AP 2009-01), and Use Permit (UP 9-11-2132) for development of up to 608 homes, a civic center site, and onsite parks and trails connections of 82 acres of land located at the terminus of Indian Ocean Drive (OSA Site 3). The project is known as "Serrano Summit."
September 2009
Trumark Homes applies for Use Permit (UP 2009-18) and Tentative Tract Map (TTM 17336) for development of 68 single family detached homes at the corner of Regency Lane and Osterman Road (OSA Site 5). The project is known as "Whisler Ridge."
Summer 2010: City Council approves General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Development agreement for fifth and final Opportunities Study Area property (Shea-Baker Ranch).
October 2010
City Council approves Use Permit (UP 2009 to 2018) and Tentative Tract Map (TTM 17336) for development of 68 single family detached homes at the Whisler Ridge site.
December 2010-February 2011
Sports Park and Recreation Center project EIR circulated for public review between December 20, 2010 and February 2, 2011.
February 2011
Shea Homes, on behalf of Shea-Baker Ranch Associates (SBRA) submits applications for a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 16466) and Area Plan (AP 2-11-1732) for development of a master-planned community with up to 2,379 homes, parks and other amenities on 387 acres. The project is known as "Shea-Baker Ranch."
April 2011
Whisler Ridge project is purchased by KB Home with grading beginning in June 2011. The City Council approves Final EIR for the Sports Park and Recreation Center Project on April 19, 2011.
May 2011
Notice of preparation of a draft environmental impact report issued for the Serrano Summit project on May 5, 2011. EIR Scoping Meeting held May 18, 2011.
August-September 2011
Serrano Summit project EIR circulated for public review between August 10, and September 23, 2011.
February 2012
City Council approves Serrano Summit project, Tentative Tract Map (TTM 17331), Area Plan (AP 2009-01), and Use Permit (UP 9-11-2132) for development of up to 608 homes, a civic center site, and onsite parks and trails connections of 82 acres of land located at the terminus of Indian Ocean Drive (OSA Site 3).
January to February 2012
Notice of preparation of a draft environmental impact report issued for the Shea-Baker Ranch project on January 13, 2012. EIR Scoping Meeting held February 1, 2012.
February to April 2012
Shea-Baker Ranch project EIR circulated for public review between February 24 and April 10, 2012.
May 2012
First homes occupied at Whisler Ridge project. City Council approves Shea-Baker Ranch project, Tentative Tract Map (TTM 16466) and Area Plan (AP 2-11-1732) for development of a master-planned community with up to 2,379 homes, parks and other amenities on 387 acres.
June 2012
City Council approves Pinnacle at Serrano Highlands project, Site Development Permit (SDP 2008-11) and Tentative Tract Map (TTM 15594) for subdivision of the property and development of 85 single-family homes.
July 2012
Notice of preparation of a draft environmental impact report issued for the Portola Center project on June 15, 2012. EIR Scoping Meeting held July 10, 2012
September 2012
Grading begins on the Shea-Baker site and the Sports Park site.
October 9, 2012
Sports Park groundbreaking celebration.
March 2013
Sports Park construction contract awarded to Park West Landscaping.
November 2014
Sports Park Grand Opening.