首页 Departments Fire Services Wildfires WILDFIRE In an Emergency Public safety and City officials will send official notifications and information through AlertOC and Nixle. Ensure you and your loved ones are registered for both to receive critical information via text, email, or telephone. Lake Forest will also broadcast important information over Cox Channel 851 and AM 1690. You an also listen to AM 1690 on the web, at http://bit.ly/LakeForestAM1690 Additionally, the Lake Forest Emergency Hotline is continually updated during an emergency. Call (949) 461-3536 for recorded updates. Lake Forest Evacuation Map In the event an evacuation is ordered because of wildfire or other emergency, type your address in the map to determine the status of the order in your neighborhood. Evacuation Warning OCSD urges persons and their animals in the evacuation area(s) to relocate to safer locations. Those with access and functional needs and those with large animals should leave now. Loss of life and property is a risk but is not imminent. Personal discretion on whether to evacuate is allowed but not advised. If at any time a person feels threatened, evacuate immediately; do not wait for an official notification Immediate Evacuation Order OCSD orders all persons and their animals in the designated evacuation area(s) to immediately relocate to safer locations. The risk of loss of life and property is extreme and imminent. Evacuation is mandatory. Persons refusing to comply with an immediate evacuation order will not be forcibly removed from their homes but cannot expect rescue or other lifesaving assistance once the incident is underway. Shelter-in-Place OCSD orders all persons and their animals to remain indoors during or following an emergency event. This protective action is recommended when an incident offers little or no time for the public to evacuate or when it is safer for them to remain indoors. A shelter-in-place order can reduce congestion on transportation routes facilitating evacuations that have been ordered. Repopulation Community members may return to a previously evacuated area. The threat has been mitigated, infrastructure and utilities are secured, and OCSD has approved the return. Public Safety personnel have deemed loss of life and property related to the incident to be at risk. Residents living in neighborhoods near high-risk fire area are encouraged to be ready for wildfires by practicing fire safety. Ready, Set, Go! gives you the tools to protect yourself, your family, your property and your community from wildfires. Firefighters train hard to prepare for wildfires—residents need to do the same! For more information on how you can be ready for wildfires, visit the Orange County Fire Authority's Ready, Set, Go! safety program. Stay Connected During Emergencies Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertOC and Nixle for text notifications during emergencies. Public Safety Power Shutoffs During high winds, Southern California Edison (SCE) may de-energize transmission lines to minimize wildfire risk. In Lake Forest, the power shutoffs would most likely impact residents in the foothills. While the City will warn residents of potential Public Safety Power Shutoffs, residents are encouraged to visit www.sce.com/psps for more information and to sign up for alerts from SCE. High-risk Fire Zone Map Fire Services Wildfires Emergency Preparedness