- Fourth of July Parade
- What time does the parade start?
The parade starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp. - Where is the parade route located?
- The parade route is located on the Toledo Way, Serrano Road, Ridge Route, and Lake Forest.
- Parade starts at the corner of Toledo Way and Ridge Route Drive (in front of El Toro High School) and ends on Serrano Road before Ridge Route.
- What streets will be closed the day of the parade?
Please visit our 4th of July Parade page for information about street closures. 4th of July Parade Page. - Is there a map available of the parade route and street closures?
Yes. Please visit our 4th of July Parade page for more information about street closures including a map. 4th of July Parade Page. - If I have a question on the day of the parade, where should I go?
Please go to the Information booth, for any questions. We will be at a tent, located in front of El Toro High School. - What time should I arrive and where can I park?
- If you are a participant of the parade you can check in at a check-in booth between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. All entrants must be checked in at this time. If you have a large group, please have a representative check-in and designate a specific place to meet the rest or your organization.
- If you are a parade observer we recommend coming as early as possible, remember the parade starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp.
- Parking is located in the El Toro High School back parking lot, which can be accessed on Serrano Rd from El Toro Rd. This parking lot does fill up quickly.
- Parking can also be found on Lake Forest Drive and Serrano Road.
- Can I sign up to participate in the parade the day of?
The registration deadline to participate is found on the 4th of July Parade's website. After the specified time, the City will not take any more applicants. - Can I sign up to participate in the parade and where do participants go when they arrive?
- Please check our registration page, to submit your application online.
- Car Clubs shall check in and stage on Ridge Route (Enter from Jeronimo Road).
- Bands shall check in and stage on Ridge Route, entering from Serrano Road.
- Equestrians shall check in and stage at La Madera Elementary School parking lot, entering from Serrano Road.
- General parade entries (if your parade entry is not a band, a car club, or an equestrian entry) please check in at Toledo Way and Killy Street, which can be accessed from El Toro Road.
- Can I bring my pet?
Yes, please make sure to have your pet on a leash. - Where are the restrooms?
There will be restrooms located at El Toro High School as well as portable toilets located along the parade route.
- What time does the parade start?
- Animal Control/Vector Control
- How do I get an animal license?
Pet licensing is provided by Orange County Animal Care Services through a contract with the City. For information on pet licensing, call (714) 935-6848 or (949) 249-5160, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or visit OCgov.com.
OC Animal Care. - Who do I call about a barking dog?
Orange County Animal Care, under contract with the City, assists in the resolution of barking dog complaints through its "Barking Dog Ordinance." For more information call Orange County Animal Care Services at (714) 796-6442, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday – Friday or visit OCPetInfo.com. - How many animals are allowed in a home?
A person may keep up to three licensed dogs over the age of four months and three cats over the age of four months. An animal permit application issued by OC Animal Care is required for individuals to keep a greater number of animals. For more information, visit the Pet Laws section at OCPetInfo.com.
OC Animal Care website. - There is a dead animal in the street, how can it be removed?
Dead animals can be reported by calling OC Animal Care at (714) 935-6848. - Who should I call about a swarm of bees?
If bees are attacking a person, call 911. For bees on private property, refer to the phone book or the Internet and search for a bee removal company. For bees on public property, contact Public Works at (949) 461-3480. - Who do I call about flies, rats and mosquitoes?
Orange County Vector Control Agency handles all calls regarding fly, rat, and mosquito infestations and can be reached at (714) 971-2421, or visit the Orange County Vector Control website.
- How do I get an animal license?
- Birth / Marriage / Death Certificate / Tax Records
- How do I obtain a marriage, birth or death certificate, or divorce decree?
Certified copies of marriage, birth, or death certificates or divorce decrees can be obtained from the County of Orange Clerk-Recorder's Office, located at 630 N. Broadway, Building 12, Room 101, Santa Ana, CA 92741. For general information about and phone-in requests for marriage, birth, or death certificates, please call (714) 834-3005. Certified copies may also be requested online at the Orange County website. - How do I obtain a marriage license?
Marriage licenses are issued by the County of Orange. For more information, visit OCgov.com.
County of Orange website.
- How do I obtain a marriage, birth or death certificate, or divorce decree?
- Business Assistance
Does the City offer assistance to businesses?
The City offers several business assistance programs, including complimentary private consultations from business experts for Lake Forest business owners and Lake Forest residents who are starting businesses. The City maintains a hands-on approach by offering completely free, extensive marketing opportunities through the monthly business spotlight program, publishing monthly updates in the e-Newsletter and quarterly large-scale updates in the In Business Newsletter, and Shop and Dine Lake Forest Week. Shop and Dine Lake Forest Week encourages local residents and employees to support local retailers and businesses. Participating businesses are part of a promotional booklet that is mailed out to approximately 30,000 households, as well as featured in promotional material on print advertisements, radio, and local newspaper. For more information, contact Economic Development at (949) 461-3567. -
How can I find out about upcoming business seminars and events in the City?
Seminars, workshops and roundtables include a variety of topics such as starting a business, developing a website, understanding government regulations and marketing, and much more. To find out about upcoming business seminars and events on Economic Development’s website at www.lakeforestbusiness.com.
- Business License and Ownership
- Do I need a business license?
The City does not require businesses to obtain a business license in order to operate. However, we encourage businesses to complete a business registration form for emergency contact information and to be placed on the City’s mailing list to receive information on upcoming business seminars and workshops. Some businesses may also require a Law Enforcement Review. For a list of those businesses, contact the Orange County Sheriff’s Department at (714) 647-1868. You should also check with the City's Community Development Department to obtain a zoning confirmation. Residents who are interested in starting a home-based business are encouraged to review the Ordinance found on the website listed above. The Zoning Confirmation form is available at the City’s Planning Counter and also online. - Can I obtain business ownership information?
The City does not have official business ownership information as we do not require a business license. Ownership information on sole proprietorship and partnerships may be obtained through the County of Orange Clerk-Recorder’s Office or by contacting them at (714) 834-3005. For information on corporations and limited liability partnerships, visit the California Secretary of State's website at http://www.sos.ca.gov/.
- Do I need a business license?
- Car Seat Inspection
- How can I learn to properly install my child's safety seat?
Since every safety seat and vehicle is different, parents and guardians should refer to the seat instructions, as well as your vehicle owner’s manual, and follow the recommendations. Police Services offers a child seat safety inspection by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. If you like to schedule car seat inspection, contact (949) 461-3548 to schedule an appointment. - Is it okay to use a used child safety seat?
- Avoid using used seats, especially if bought from a yard sale or thrift shop because you do not know the seat's history. Never use a seat that:
- Has been in an accident.
- Is too old. Look on the label for the date the seat was made. Many manufacturers recommend that child safety seats only be used for a certain number of years. Check with the manufacturer to find out how long the company recommends using their seats.
- Has any visible cracks in the frame of the seat.
- Does not have a label with the date of manufacture and model number. Without these, you cannot check to see if the seat has been recalled.
- Does not come with instructions. You can get a copy of the instruction manual by contacting the manufacturer or looking on the Internet.
- Is missing parts. Used child safety seats often come without important parts. Check with the manufacturer to make sure you can get the right parts.
3. Is it appropriate to install a safety seat using both the LATCH system and safety belt?
The two duplicate the same function. You should not use both unless the manufacturer specifically indicates to do so. The system that provides the tightest, most secure installation for the seat should be used. In few cases, this may be the safety belt, rather than the LATCH system. Both systems are equally effective, however, the LATCH system does have weight restrictions that can be found in the car seat instructions. - How can I learn to properly install my child's safety seat?
- City Council
- When and where does the City Council meet?
The Lake Forest City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 100 Civic Center Dr, Lake Forest, CA 92630. - How can I speak in front of the City Council?
Members of the public can speak in front of the City Council under "Public Comments," or on an item that is listed under "Consent Calendar" or "Public Hearings." Speakers must complete a "Request to Speak" card and hand it to staff. Speakers are limited to three minutes each.
The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State Local Agency open meeting law) prohibits the City Council from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Generally, the City Council refers such matters to staff for investigation and/or resolution. - How can I find out what will be discussed at a City Council meeting?
City Council Meeting agendas are available on the City's website on the Friday before the Council meeting. Agendas can be downloaded from our Agendas page. - How can I reach a member of the City Council?
The best way to reach a member of the City Council is through "Ask Lake Forest" at www.asklakeforest.com. For meeting or invitation requests with a member of the City Council, contact the City Clerk's Office at (949) 461-3420 to have your message forwarded to the Council Member you are trying to reach. Visit Ask Lake Forest. - Does the City Council have office hours?
The City Council does not have office hours except for Council Member Jim Gardner. Council Member Gardner holds office hours at City Hall every Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. No appointments are needed.
- When and where does the City Council meet?
- Claims
- How do I file a claim against the City?
To file a claim against the City, a completed Claims Form must be submitted to the City. The form can download on the City’s website or requested from the City Clerk's Office at (949) 461-3420. Please leave your name, address and phone number, and a claim form will be mailed to you.
- How do I file a claim against the City?
- CMAACC Update
- Click here for updates - Animal Services | Lake Forest, CA - Official Website (lakeforestca.gov)
Staff will continue to update the City Council relative to OCAC operations. Should the City Council have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (949) 461-3537.
- Click here for updates - Animal Services | Lake Forest, CA - Official Website (lakeforestca.gov)
- Sidewalk Vending
- Are street vendors allowed?
Sidewalk vending is legal in California. California signed into law the Safe Street Vending Act in 2018. The law decriminalizes street vending and legalizes the practice under certain conditions. In Lake Forest, sidewalk vendors can sell their goods on a public sidewalk but must be a minimum of 500 feet from a public school. Street vendors must obtain an Outdoor Vending Permit and a Health Department and Peddler's License, if they are selling food. The City's Code Enforcement Division is working to ensure all vendors are in compliance.
- Are street vendors allowed?
- Comment for City Services
- Who do I contact if I have a question or would like to provide a comment about a City service
Please contact Carlo Tomaino, Assistant to the City Manager, at (949) 461-3537, or you may use Ask Lake Forest.
- Who do I contact if I have a question or would like to provide a comment about a City service
- Crime/Crime Prevention
- How can I obtain crime information by neighborhood?
Crime information by neighborhood may be accessed at the Orange County Sheriff's Department website. Under the “How Do I” tab, select “Use Online Services” section, and select “Crime Stats by Area.” Access the Sheriff's website here. - What types of crime prevention programs are available in Lake Forest?
Crime prevention programs include Business Watch, Neighborhood Watch, Business Checks and Vacation Home Checks, along with community events and school resources. For more information, call our Crime Prevention Specialist at (949) 461-3546. - Are there crime prevention programs for neighborhoods?
Lake Forest Police Services provides a variety of crime prevention programs, including Neighborhood Watch. If your street is not involved in Neighborhood Watch, or if you would like to learn about any of our other crime prevention programs, call our Crime Prevention Specialist at (949) 461-3546. You can also follow Lake Forest Police Services on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LakeForestPoliceServices. - Are there crime prevention programs for businesses?
Lake Forest Business Watch and Hotel Watch are crime prevention programs that specifically focus on the business community to help reduce crimes. Hotels and business members can participate in these programs at no cost or obligation. For more information on the Business Watch Crime Prevention Program, or Hotel Watch call our Crime Prevention Specialist, at (949) 461-3456. You can also follow Lake Forest Police Services on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LakeForestPoliceServices. - Who can answer my questions about drugs and gangs?
Many Deputies are designated as Drug Liaison Officers (DLOs) and are assigned to the Orange County Sheriff's Department Community Programs Detail. They are available to answer questions related to drug use and gang involvement. They can be reached at (714) 647-4133. You may also anonymously report gang activity by calling 1-800-NO-GANGS (1-800-664-2647). - How do I obtain a copy of a crime, incident or traffic report?
Please contact Sheriff's Support Services at (714) 834-6455 prior to mailing a request for a crime, incident or traffic report to determine the number of pages. The cost of obtaining a report is based upon the number of pages, at 15 cents per page. Mail requests to: P.O. Box 449, Santa Ana, CA 92702, Attention: Special Services. Please include your name, how you are involved with the case, the case number and a check or money order for the exact amount.
Or, visit the Sheriff's website and under the “How Do I” tab, select “Request A” section, select “Report (Crime, Incident, Traffic).” Access the Sheriff's website here. - How do I report a crime?
In the event of an emergency, dial 911. For non-emergency situations, contact Sheriff's dispatch at (949) 770-6011 to report a crime.
- How can I obtain crime information by neighborhood?
- Development Projects
- How do I find out what development projects are currently going on in the City?
The Planning Division maintains a list of project applications that are currently being reviewed. For additional information regarding specific projects, please contact the planner associated with that project. Current Development Projects
- How do I find out what development projects are currently going on in the City?
- Election Information / Voting
How do I register to vote?
You may register to vote online through the elections page of the Secretary of State website. Simply fill out the form, print, sign, and mail to: Registrar of Voters, P.O. Box 15467, Santa Ana, CA 92735. For additional assistance with voter registration, please contact the Secretary of State's office at any of the following toll-free numbers:English: 1-800-345-VOTE
Spanish: 1-800-232-VOTA
Chinese 1-800-339-2857
Vietnamese 1-800-339-8163
Japanese 1-800-339-2865
Tagalog 1-800-339-2957To register and more information, visit Elections and Voter Information.
Where can I obtain election results?
Election results may be obtained online on the current election results page. -
How do I vote by mail?
You must apply for a vote-by-mail ballot with the California Secretary of State’s office. Online applications can be found by clicking on the “Apply to Vote by Mail” link at the California Secretary of State website.
- Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
- How can I find out about current Lake Forest job openings and how do I obtain an employment application?
Current job openings are posted on the City's website. Applications for all jobs must be submitted online. For more information, please visit our Employment Opportunities page. - Where can I find position descriptions, benefits information, and salary ranges?
All job-related information can be found on the City's website on our Job Descriptions page. - What if I do not have access to a computer with internet service?
The City offers complimentary computer access available for public use at the following location:
100 Civic Center, Lake Forest 92630
Orange County Public Libraries may also provide computer access free of charge. - Must I set-up a "user account" to apply on-line?
Yes. When you click on the “Apply” link on the job that you are interested in you will be prompted to login or create a new user account. Remember to keep a record of your user name and password for future reference. You will use this information to check on your application status and to apply for other positions. - How do I apply for a position?
After selecting the position that you are interested in, click on the "Apply" link and provide the requested information. The online application form will require you to provide your personal profile information including name and contact information; educational information; work experience; certificates and/or licenses; skills; additional information; and your resume (optional). In the work experience section of the application form, please give complete information for all jobs held during the past 10 years, including verifiable volunteer experience. List your most current job first. Resumes may be attached in the resume section as noted; however, resumes WILL NOT be accepted in lieu of a completed City application. Online applications without a completed work employment section will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed. - How do I know if my application was received by the City of Lake Forest?
You will receive an email confirmation shortly after submission of your application notifying you that your application was successful. If you do not receive a confirmation email, go back into the application and re-submit your application. - What is a final filing date?
A final filing date is the last date the City will accept applications for a recruitment. The system will not accept applications submitted after the final filing date. - What is a continuous recruitment?
For some recruitments, applications will be accepted on a continuous basis until a sufficient number of applications have been received. For such recruitments, prompt application is encouraged because the recruitment may close at any time without prior notice. The system will not accept applications submitted after the recruitment has been closed. - Can I submit a resume?
You may attach your resume at the end of the application process. However, resumes WILL NOT be accepted in lieu of a completed City application. Applications which do not include all of the requested information will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed. - What do I include on my application?
In completing the employment application, be as thorough as possible when indicating the education, training and/or experience needed to qualify for the position. Exact dates of employment are critical to determine qualifying experience. Please be sure to provide average number of hours you work(ed) if your experience is(was) part-time. Try to focus the information you are providing on the employment application to education and experience that is specifically applicable to the job for which you are applying. Other information may be provided, but full consideration will be based only on those skills that specifically qualify you for the position being recruited.
A resume may be required for some positions, but a resume WILL NOT be accepted as a substitute for a completed City employment application. It is important that you do not indicate "see attached resume" in lieu of fully providing the information requested on the employment application. Applications may be rejected if incomplete. - What is the selection process?
After the application deadline, Human Resources will review the applications submitted by all applicants. Based on the information provided, candidates with the most directly related experience will be invited to continue on in the selection process. Our selection process consists of one or more of the following:
WRITTEN EXAM/ONLINE EXAM: Written and online exams are designed to assess general aptitude or specific knowledge of the technical aspects of the job for which you are applying. You may wish to thoroughly review the job flyer to familiarize yourself with the areas which may be assessed.
PERFORMANCE/PRACTICAL EXAM: Practical examinations are typically given for positions which require a specialized skill or ability, such as typing proficiency or the operation of special equipment. You may or may not be given prior information regarding the content of the exam, depending on the nature of the job for which you are applying.
ORAL INTERVIEWS: Those applicants who are successful in passing the initial assessment and/or screening process(es) will be invited to an oral interview. Oral interviews are conducted by a panel of qualified subject matter experts.
FOLLOWING THE SELECTION PROCESS: Human Resources will notify you, by email, of the results of the recruitment. If you are successful in passing the selection process, your name may be placed on an employment list for the current position opening as well as any future positions which may become available for up to 12 months after the employment list was established. The City Department which is attempting to fill the vacant position may elect to second interview some or all of the candidates who are on the employment list prior to making a final decision to hire.
REFERENCE CHECKS: Reference Checks will be conducted by the City to verify education and employment related information for all potential employees prior to extending a job offer. The extent of the inquiry will depend on the position being applied for and may include:
• Verification/Reference from current and past employers.
• Confirmation of necessary licenses, certificates, and degrees.
Additional inquiries may be necessary depending on the position for which you are applying.
Human Resources will also schedule a Fingerprint and Department of Justice criminal background check (a conviction for a crime is not an automatic bar to employment) and post-offer physical examination, which may include a drug screen, once a job offer has been made. - Can I review the status of my application?
Yes. To review your application status, log onto your www.governmentjobs.com account using your user name and password. - If I apply for more than one position, do I need to submit a separate application?
Yes. A completed City application and supplemental questionnaire is required for each position a candidate is applying for. However, once you have established your user account, you may click on the "Populate" button to automatically populate the new application with the information from your previous application. Make sure to review your application and update any relevant fields with the appropriate information as necessary. - How will I be notified regarding the status of the position for which I applied?
Email notices will be sent to candidates at each step of the recruitment process. - What if I have additional questions?
- If you have additional questions, contact the City's Human Resources Department at (949) 461-3566
- How can I find out about current Lake Forest job openings and how do I obtain an employment application?
- Graffiti
- How do I report graffiti?
There are three ways to report graffiti:
1) email PWgraffiti@lakeforestca.gov;
2) call the graffiti hotline at (949) 461-3583 (24-hour voice mail available); or
3) through Ask Lake Forest. Please provide either an address or the cross streets where the graffiti is located. Click here. - How long does it take for graffiti to be covered once it is reported?
Graffiti located on public property or private property visible from the public right-of-way is covered within 24 hours. Property owners are notified if graffiti is located on private property but is not visible from the public right-of-way.
- How do I report graffiti?
- Housing
- Who can I contact for more information or an application for a housing rehabilitation loan?
To obtain additional information about the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program and/or to obtain a loan application, contact Rehabilitation Loan Consultant, Theresa Dobbs at (949) 461-3473 or email tdobbs@lakeforestca.gov. - What home improvements are eligible for assistance?
Repairs that are eligible in the program include roofing, windows, exterior and interior painting, plumbing, electrical, energy/weatherization items, garage doors, and other common home repairs. Income limits and other qualifications apply. - Does the City have funds to assist with home repairs?
On an annual basis, the City receives a limited amount of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). From this grant, the City Council allocates funding for various eligible activities each year. Typically, a portion of the annual CDBG is allocated to the City’s Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Housing Rehabilitation Program provides qualified homeowners with either a zero percent deferred interest loan, or a three percent interest loan. Loans are issued to eligible homeowners on a first come first served basis until the annual funding allocation for the program is exhausted. - What is the maximum loan amount?
Conventional single-family home owners may receive up to $30,000, and mobile home owners may receive up to $15,000 for eligible home improvement items. Applicants must qualify as low or moderate-income households for the previous two years, homes must be owner occupied, and homeowners must have sufficient equity in the home. Other requirements also apply. Click here for more information.
There are no monthly payments on deferred loans. The total principal payment is due at the time of sale, transfer of title, refinance or when homeowner no longer resides at property. Additionally, a 3% loan that has amortized payments over a fifteen (15) year period is also available.
- Who can I contact for more information or an application for a housing rehabilitation loan?
- Illegal Building or Construction
- Is sleeping in a garage permitted?
Sleeping in a garage is not permitted by the Lake Forest Municipal Code, nor are any obstructions allowed within a garage that would preclude the parking of vehicles. Conversions of garages could be permitted provided all permits are obtained and zoning codes are met.
- Is sleeping in a garage permitted?
- Landscape Maintenance
- Who do I contact if I notice a problem in a median or on a slope?
Please report any landscaping concerns on a median or slope to Public Works at (949) 461-3480.
- Who do I contact if I notice a problem in a median or on a slope?
- Massage Permits and Licenses
- How do I obtain a massage permit or license?
Applicants must be licensed by the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) along with Use Permit and Annual Massage License with Community Development. If you would like to open a new Massage Establishment, contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 461-3502.
- How do I obtain a massage permit or license?
- Message for the City Manager
- Who is the Lake Forest City Manager and what is her role?
The Lake Forest City Manager is Debra Rose.
The City Manager serves as the administrative head of the City under the direction of the City Council. Functioning as the "Chief Executive Officer," the City Manager is responsible for daily operations of the City and services to the community. Duties of the City Manager and the Department include:
Enforce all laws and ordinances of the City and to see that all franchises, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the City Council are faithfully observed.
Appoint, remove, promote, and demote any and all officers and employees of the City including the City Clerk pursuant to Government Code Section 34856, except elected officers, and the City Attorney, subject to all applicable personnel rules and regulations which may be adopted by the City Council.
Control, order, and give directions to all department heads who are subject to her appointment and removal authority and to subordinate officers and employees of the City under her jurisdiction through their department heads.
Conduct studies and effect such organization and reorganization of offices, positions or units under her direction as may be indicated in the interest of efficient, effective, and economical conduct of the City's business.
Recommend to the City Council for adoption such measures and ordinances as she deems necessary.
Attend all City Council meetings unless excused by the Mayor individually or the City Council as a whole, except when her removal is under consideration.
Prepare and submit the proposed annual budget and the proposed annual salary plan to the City Council for its approval.
Keep the City Council at all times fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the City.
Make investigations into the affairs of the City and any department or division and any contract or other obligation of the City; and further to investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the City government.
Exercise general supervision over all public buildings, public parks, and all other public properties which are under the control and jurisdiction of the City.
Have the same authority as the Mayor, as the convenience of the parties may dictate, to sign documents specified in Section 40602 of the California Government Code wherever such documents have been approved by the City Council for execution by resolution, motion, minute order or other appropriate action.
Perform such other responsibilities and exercise such other powers as may be delegated to her from time to time by ordinance or resolution or other official action of the City Council.
Additional duties include, but are not limited to, representing the City in legislative and regulatory matters, overseeing management operations, overseeing the annual budget and investment policy, working with other agencies to address regional issues, and serving as the Executive Director of the Lake Forest Housing Authority. - Who do I contact if I have technical issues with Ask Lake Forest?
Please contact Jonathan Volzke, Communications and Marketing Manager, at (949) 282-5214.
- Who is the Lake Forest City Manager and what is her role?
- Municipal Code
- How can I access the City's Municipal Code?
The quickest way to find code information is to access the City's Municipal Code online.
- How can I access the City's Municipal Code?
- Noise
- What are the City's requirements for noise control and how can I make a complaint about noise?Noise impacting residential areas is restricted by time of day, as well as by the intensity level and duration of the event. The noise ordinance is designed to address recurring noise from sources such as pool pumps/motors, air conditioning units and other stationary noise sources. For assistance with these types of noise issues, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 461-3502. Other types of noise sources, such as loud parties, vehicles, or music, are handled through Lake Forest Police Services; they may be contacted at (949) 770-6011.
- Is noise that emanates from construction work restricted to any particular hours of the day?Noise sources associated with the construction, repair, remodeling, or grading of any real property, are exempted from the provisions of the noise standards of the Lake Forest Municipal Code, provided said activities do not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a City of Lake Forest legal holiday.
- Who should I contact about barking dogs in my neighborhood
Orange County Animal Care, under contract with the City, assists in the resolution of barking dog complaints through its "Barking Dog Ordinance." For more information, call Orange County Animal Care Services at (714) 245-8792, from 7:30 a.m.to 3:30 p.m., Monday – Friday or online, click here for more information.
- OpenGov
- What is OpenGov?
OpenGov is a technology company based in Silicon Valley focused on building the most powerful financial intelligence and transparency platform ever created for governments. We are transforming how state and local governments analyze, share and compare their financial data. - How do I select the data I want to see?
To focus on specific data—like a fund, department, expense type, or any combination use the menu on the left side panel. The “By” drop-down allows you to specify which breakdown you want the grpahs and table rows to represent on the graph. You can analyze the expense and revenues data by fund, department or type. - Can I select more than fund or departments?
Yes. Use the Data Filter on the left side panel to make specific selections within the data. The Data Filter shows you the hierarchical relationships of Funds, Departments, and Account Types. You’ll notice the title of the graph you are viewing on top along with the account type selector. You can use the filter to see the data of most interest to you. - How do I see the actual numbers within a graph?
Hover over any are of the graph to see the actual or budgeted amounts for that period. Or, just scroll down to see a table with detailed information. - Can I see the data in a different graph?
In the upper right hand corner, you will see options for the different graphs and table. There are five graph types overall:
1. A percentage graph to see percentage changes over time
2. A stacked graph to visualize overall trends over time
3. A line graph overlaying each trend over time
4. A pie graph to view percentage breakdown
5. A bar graph comparing trends and percentage breakdowns over time - Why are there sometime spikes in one year?
In reviewing multiple years of data, you may see “spikes” in the individual years; this can be due to planned one-time costs, a capital projects, unexpected expenses, or a specific event that required additional funds. You can drill down in our OpenGov platform to learn more about how exactly those expenses or revenues are categorized. - Can I save the data I am looking at?
Yes, there are Share and Download buttons in the upper right corner. You can share any view on social media or by email. There are also options to download the displayed data in .png image and .csv spreadsheet formats. - How do I learn more about government accounting?
Use the Help Menu on the top right corner to navigate the “Budget 1010” primer to learn more about multi-fund accounting. - I have a question. How do I contact the City of Lake Forest?
Use the Help menu on the top right corner to navigate to the “Contact" option to send your message to the City of Lake Forest.
- What is OpenGov?
- Other
- Will there be a delay in responding to my Ask Lake Forest request if I select the "Other" category?
No, your request will be routed to the handling department to ensure a prompt response.
- Will there be a delay in responding to my Ask Lake Forest request if I select the "Other" category?
- Overcrowding Residence
- What is considered overcrowding in a residence?
The City of Lake Forest recognizes that there are community concerns related to overcrowding within residential neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the City's ability to regulate the number of individuals living within a single residence is largely preempted by both the State of California and Federal law.
Specifically, the City is not permitted to modify or deviate from California's Uniform Housing Code (UHC) in determining occupancy standards. In the case of Briseno v. City of Santa Ana, (1992) 6 Cal.App.4th 1378, the Court of Appeals held that State law (e.g., the UHC) preempts local regulation of housing occupancy standards, and that a City may deviate from UHC occupancy guidelines only if it can establish specific findings of local, climatic, geological, or topographical conditions unique to the community. Therefore, limiting residential dwelling units to one or more families or imposing an occupancy cap which is less than the maximum allowed by the UHC would be inconsistent with and preempted by UHC 503.2. The UHC has established a formula (the quotient of the gross square footage less 10% divided by 70 times 2) to determine residential occupancy:
1. The gross square footage of the residence = X.
2. Subtract 10% of the total gross square footage for the kitchen, bathroom and hallways.
3. Divide this subtotal by 70 and multiply that subtotal by 2.
4. That number will equal the total number of people who can reside in a home, as per the Uniform Housing Code.
Using the example of a 1,200 square foot home, an occupancy of thirty-one (31) people would be allowed (1,200-120'= 1,080... 1,080/70 = 15.43... 15.43 x 2 = 30.85).
A simpler way to find this same number is to multiply the Gross Square footage by the constant of .025714:
In some situations, however, the City does have limited jurisdiction. For example, the City's Code Enforcement Division can initiate enforcement action on many of the secondary conditions that result from overcrowding, such as illegal construction, garage conversions, nuisance/inoperative vehicles, property maintenance, trash accumulations, etc. Also, under certain circumstances, the overcrowding of a residence can be subject to enforcement action if it is determined that the residence is being commercially operated as a boarding house.
- What is considered overcrowding in a residence?
- Parking
- How do I contest a parking ticket?
An explanation of the process to contest the citation is printed on the reverse side of the citation. It reads as follows:
You may contest this citation by requesting an Administrative Review within 21 days from the issue date of this citation. Submit a written statement with any supporting documentation/photographs. Appeal on line at: www.Ticketwizard5000.com, or send appeal to: Parking Administration, C/O Citation Processing Center, P.O. Box 2730 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2730. Submitted documentation will not be returned. You will be notified by mail of the result of the review. NOTE: CVC Sections: 5200 and 5400 require vehicle inspection and evidence of violation correction by a police agency. Fines on these violations will be reduced to $10.00 when accompanied by evidence of correction. Citation must be returned with both evidence of correction and payment. - My vehicle has been impounded. How do I get it back?
If a vehicle has been impounded due to an unlicensed driver, suspended license, or any other traffic violation, contact the Administrative Deputy at (949) 461-3545. - My vehicle has been towed. How do I find out where it is being stored?
You will need to obtain the license plate number or VIN and call (714) 647-7000. The Desk Officer will be able to tell you where it is being stored and why it was towed. - What can I do about cars and trucks parked in front of my house?
California State law states vehicles parked on the street over 72 hours may be considered abandoned vehicles. Please contact Lake Forest Police Services at (949) 770-6011 to report the location and description of the automobile. Parking control staff will check the vehicle to make sure it is not stolen, confirm it is properly registered, and mark the vehicle's tire. The vehicle can be cited 72 hours after it is marked and ultimately towed away at the owner's expense. Anyone may park their vehicle on a public street if it is legally parked and properly registered.
- How do I contest a parking ticket?
- Parks
- How can I report a flooded area or broken sprinklers at a park?
Public Works and City contractors conduct regular inspections to the irrigation systems at all City parks. If you see a broken sprinkler, leaking water fountain, water coming out of the ground, or other water-related problems, call Public Works at (949) 461-3480 or submit a ticket on Ask Lake Forest. - Who do I contact to report problems with play equipment at my local park or any other maintenance issues?
All park equipment is inspected frequently by City contractors for loose parts and other safety issues. If you have concerns regarding any playground equipment, call Public Works at (949) 461-3480 or submit a ticket on Ask Lake Forest. - Which City parks have restrooms?
Restrooms are located at Borrego Park, Concourse Park, El Toro Park, Foothill Ranch Community Park, Heroes Park, Lake Forest Sports Park, Mountain View Park, Pittsford Park, and Serrano Creek Park. - Can I arrange to host a bounce house in a Lake Forest park?
Yes, the City allows the use of bounce houses in specific public parks. Click here for more information on Park Rules and Regulations. Bounce houses are also allowed on private properties without a permit. - The activity I am planning at the park requires electricity. Is power available at the park?
No. Electricity is not available at any City of Lake Forest park. - Which parks have baseball fields?
Baker Ranch Community Park (26380 Rancho Parkway) 1 unlit field.
Heroes Park (25420 Jeronimo Road) 4 fields with lights.
Foothill Ranch Community Park (19422 Rue de Valore) 2 unlit fields.
Tamarisk Park (22001 Tamarisk) 1 unlit field.
Lake Forest Sports Park (28000 Rancho Parkway) 5 fields with lights - Which City parks have barbecues and how many barbecue grills are there at each park?
Alton Park (18992 Alton Parkway) (4)
Baker Ranch Community Park (26380 Rancho Pkwy.) (2)
Borrego Park (26982 Cabriole) (5)
Borrego Overlook Park (21 Viaggio Lane) (3)
Cherry Park (22651 Cherry Ave.) (6)
Concourse Park (18931 Saddleback Ranch Road) (2)
Darrin Park (22461 Cherry Ave.) (6)
El Toro Park I (23701 Los Alisos Blvd.) (4)
Heroes Park (25420 Jeronimo Road) (1)
Lake Forest Sports Park (28000 Rancho Parkway) (8)
Montbury Park (21962 Montbury Drive) (1)
Mountain View Park (24061 Dyland Street) (2)
Pittsford Park (21701 Pittsford Drive)
Rancho Serrano Park (20842 Paseo Sombra) (3)
Rimgate Park (29772 Rimgate) (1)
Serrano Creek Park (25101 Serrano Road) (3)
Sundowner Park (22041 Sundowners Lane) (1)
Tamarisk Park (22001 Tamarisk) (3)
Vintage Park (21000 Vintage Street) (5) - How do I reserve a baseball or soccer field at a Lake Forest park?
Groups seeking to reserve fields must submit an application to the Community Services. For more information, call (949) 461-3450.
- How can I report a flooded area or broken sprinklers at a park?
- Passports
- When can I come in and apply for a passport?
Passport agents are available Wednesday and Friday by appointment only. - What documents do I need to bring with me to apply for a passport?
Depending on your age and if you have been issued a passport before, the types of documents you will need vary. Please call the City Clerk’s office at (949) 461-3420. - What is the fee for applying for a passport?
Fees vary depending on if you are applying for a passport book or a passport card, and if you are an adult or a minor. For more information, please visit the passport page. - Does the City provide passport sized photos?
- When can I come in and apply for a passport?
- Permits
- I am buying a property or a business. Do I need any permits or approvals from the City?
The City does not regulate the acquisition of property or change of ownership for a business. However, it is advisable to ensure that your plans for the property or any change in business operations are consistent with the zoning ordinance. For more information, contact a planner at (949) 461-3535. - Does the City require a permit for trimming or removal of eucalyptus trees?
The City has a vast quantity of beautiful eucalyptus trees and these trees are endangered by the presence of the eucalyptus longhorn borer beetle. The control of infestation by this beetle can be helped by regulating the maintenance of such trees in a healthy and nonhazardous condition through good arboricultural practices and by limiting the transportation and cutting of eucalyptus trees or logs between April 1 and October 31. Between April 1 and October 31 of each year, a Eucalyptus Tree Cutting Permit is required to prune, cut branches from, top, or cut down any eucalyptus tree within the City or to transport on the City’s streets any logs, branches, or trunk of a eucalyptus tree. Certain Homeowner’s Associations (Lake Forest Community Association, Lake Forest II Master Association and Serrano Park Community Association) have obtained an Annual Master Permit, which allows the association to regulate the trimming/cutting of eucalyptus trees in their jurisdictions. Residents in these Associations should contact their Associations and do not require a City permit. For questions, contact the Planning Division at (949) 461-3535. For a permit application and additional regulations, click here. - What is an encroachment permit and who has to obtain one?
Encroachment permits are required from property owners and utility companies for any work conducted in the public right-of-way. The public right-of-way mainly includes streets and sidewalks; just think of it as any public area that is adjacent to your home. For any improvements or any situation where you or your contractor plans to encroach upon the public right-of-way, (such as concrete work, brick work, landscaping, and including storing or placing anything in the street/sidewalk/public area during construction), an encroachment permit is required in advance. For more information, contact Randy L. Fiore, Senior Permit Technician, at (949) 461-3487 or submit a ticket at Ask Lake Forest here or City Permits and Applications. - Where can I view previous building permits and plans for my home or business?
Electronic records are available for viewing at City Hall. Stop by the City Clerk’s Division, located on the 1st floor, to access records from a city computer. Imaged documents include building plans, building permits, as well as public works documents. These documents are not accessible online from your home computer or other personal electronic devices.
- I am buying a property or a business. Do I need any permits or approvals from the City?
- Property Information
- What development standards (minimum property line setbacks, maximum lot coverage, maximum height, maximum development density, etc.) apply to my property?
Development standards are zone, and in some cases use and/or structure-type, specific. Depending on the applicable zone, development standards are contained in Title 9 of the Lake Forest Municipal Code and/or in the applicable Planned Community text. For assistance with determining applicable development standards, contact the Planning Division at (949) 461-3535 or planning@lakeforestca.gov. For information on zoning, click here. - How can I obtain copies of previous permits or plans that were approved for my house?
The City may have records of permits and plans corresponding to your property. Contact the City Clerk’s Office for more information about records requests at (949) 461-3420. - Can I park my motor home on my residential property?
Motor homes are permitted to be parked on private property, on paved surfaces, provided that they are clear of any public right-of-way, including the sidewalk; and are stored out of the front setback area. For more information, contact the Planning Division at (949) 461-3535. - How can I get information about where my property lines are?
The most accurate way to determine where your property line is would be to hire a professional surveyor through a private company. The City of Lake Forest does not generally maintain information regarding property line locations, however, the County of Orange, County Surveyor (OC Survey) maintains thousands of land records and survey related records within Orange County. The Orange County Public Works Land Records Database allows the public to search for property information, including parcel maps showing lot lines, among other records. To access the Land Records Database, click here. If you need assistance, please call the Orange County Public Works department at (714) 967-0852, or email GISAppDev@ocpw.ocgov.com. - Can I run a business out of my home?
Home occupations are permitted when conducted as an accessory use to a residential use in any residential district. Additional information and regulations regarding home occupations can be found in 9.146.060 of the Lake Forest Municipal Code.
- What development standards (minimum property line setbacks, maximum lot coverage, maximum height, maximum development density, etc.) apply to my property?
- Property Maintenance
- How do I dispose of large or bulky items, such as a water heater, sofa or appliance (multi-family units)?
Residents who live in multi-family units such as apartments, condominiums, and town homes that utilize multi-family bins for their trash collection of solid waste will need to schedule a bulky item pick-up through their property management company. Please contact your property manager and have them coordinate a bulky item pick-up with CR&R at (800) 826-9677. - What regulations apply to the storage and placement of trash cans?
Trash cans must be stored in an area not visible from the public-right-of-way, except during regularly scheduled collection times. - Can I store a refrigerator or other household appliances outside?
When refrigerators, freezers, stoves, and similar household appliances are left outside, they present a temptation for children to play in them. The danger of suffocation can be minimized by storing these items within a secure structure and locking the appliance door in a shut position with a chain and lock, removing the door of the appliance, or facing the appliance to the wall so the door cannot be opened. Contact Code Enforcement at (949) 461-3502 immediately if a refrigerator or similar household appliance is observed in front of a residence.
- How do I dispose of large or bulky items, such as a water heater, sofa or appliance (multi-family units)?
- Public Records
- How do I obtain a marriage, birth or death certificate, or divorce decree?
Certified copies of marriage, birth, or death certificates or divorce decrees can be obtained from the County of Orange Clerk-Recorder's Office, South County Branch Office, located at 24031 El Toro Road, Suite 150, Laguna Hills, CA 92653. For general information about and phone-in requests for marriage, birth, or death certificates, please call (714) 834-2500. Certified copies may also be requested online at Orange County Government Website. - How do I obtain a marriage license?
Marriage licenses are issued by the County of Orange. For more information, visit the OC Recorder Website.
- How do I obtain a marriage, birth or death certificate, or divorce decree?
- Purchasing & Budget
- How can I obtain information on the City’s budget and financial statements?
A copy of the City's Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Projects Budget, and Five-Year Strategic Business Plan, as well as the City’s financial statements (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) are available on the City's website. For more information, contact Finance at (949) 461-3430 or visit here. - How do I get on the City's vendor or bid list?
To be added to the City’s Vendor List, simply send a letter of interest to: City of Lake Forest, Attn: Finance Department, 100 Civic Center Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630. Include your company's name, address, and type of service(s) provided.
You will be added to the list for a period of one year from the date of your letter or email. Should the need arise for the products or services you provide, your name will be supplied to the department seeking your services.
- How can I obtain information on the City’s budget and financial statements?
- Records Request
What is the California Public Records Act?
The California Public Records Act defines those documents that are open and available to the public. -
How do I make a public records request?
Per the Public Records Act, the City upon a request for a copy of records, has ten days from receipt of the request to respond. You may submit a public records request by using the City's online Public Records Request Portal or you may submit a written request and deliver to the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, contact the City Clerk's Office, at (949) 461-3420.
Clerk Records. -
Why doesn’t the City have building permits and plans for my home constructed prior to 1991?
Prior to City incorporation in 1991, the area encompassed by Lake Forest was under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange. The County delivered all known plans and permits for this area to the City. The County did not have building plans and permits for every address, and the City only received those that were available.
- Shopping Carts
- Who do I call when I see abandoned shopping carts?
Report abandoned shopping carts by using Ask Lake Forest.
- Who do I call when I see abandoned shopping carts?
- Short Term and Limited Home Rentals
- What is a Short-Term Rental?
A Short-Term Rental dwelling unit is short-term lodging leased for compensation under a single oral or written agreement. A Short-Term Rental is a non-home owner occupied residence that is leased as a vacation rental. The City does allow you to lease your own home for a limited period of time as a Limited Home Rental. - Why is the City regulating Short-Term Rentals?
The City received various complaints regarding short-term rentals in residential neighborhoods. Impacts from these uses include excessive noise, traffic, and parking impacts. The Lake Forest Municipal Code (“LFMC”) prohibits transitory uses in residential districts. - What happens if I rent a property as a Short-Term Rental?
Operating a Short-Term Rental is illegal. You will be subject to Code Enforcement action and are liable for the unpaid Transient-Occupancy Tax (“TOT”) due for each night your property is used as a Short-Term Rental. In addition, you will be required to file a tax return with the City’s Tax Administrator and are also liable for tax penalties and interest. The City may also file a lien against the property to collect any unpaid taxes and penalties. - What is a Limited Home Rental?
A Limited Home Rental is the rental of your entire home for up to 3 periods of fewer than 30 consecutive days in a calendar year. A property you do not reside in does not qualify as a Limited Home Rental. This exception ensures that a property owner may rent out their personal home while the owner is away for a short period of time on a limited basis each year. - Can I rent a room in my home as a Limited Home Rental?
No, the Limited Home Rental exception only applies to your entire home. - Can I live in the home while I lease it as a Limited Home Rental?
No, you cannot live in your house while it is being leased as Limited Home Rental. - Does the City allow me to rent my primary home for less than 30-days?
The City allows up to three periods of fewer than 30 consecutive days in a calendar year where you primary residences may be rented. However, if you do not reside at your home, the Limited Home Rental exception does not apply to you or your property. You are legally responsible for the use of your property. - Do I need register and pay Transient Occupancy Taxes for a Limited Home Rental?
Yes, a Limited Home Rental is defined as a hotel under the City’s laws. The Lake Forest Municipal Code requires you pay TOT and file a tax return with the City’s Tax Administrator. TOT is paid through Hinderliter De Llamas and Associates (“HdL”) a company hired by the City to administer tax related services. For your convenience, TOT may be remitted online: TOT Payment Website - How many guests can stay in my Limited Home Rental?
The California Occupancy limits allow no more than two occupants per bedroom. - 10. Does the City’s Ordinance prevent me from leasing my home to a long-term tenant?
The City’s Ordinance does not apply to a long-term rental, where an entire home or a portion of a home is rented for more than 30 days at a time (e.g., month-to-month or year-long leases). A long-term rental is permitted as long as there is not more than one verbal or written agreement for the property being rented. A property with more than one rental agreement is prohibited by the City. - Do I pay taxes if I am renting my home or a portion of my home to a long-term tenant?
No, you do not need to pay TOT to lease your property to a long-term tenant. However, you are required to continue paying property taxes. - Are there other penalties associated with operating a Short-Term Rental?
Each violation of the City’s Municipal Code constitutes a criminal misdemeanor violation. Each misdemeanor carries a penalty of a fine of up to $1,000 (per violation) or jail time for up to six months, or both. Please note that each day that this unlawful activity occurs is a separate violation. - Who do I contact with questions about paying TOT?
Please contact HdL at 949-528-3797. - Who do I contact with questions about the Short-Term Rental Ordinance?
Darrell Hill, Code Enforcement Supervisor, at 949-461-3465.
- What is a Short-Term Rental?
- Signage & Advertisement
- What do I need to do if I want to move an existing sign or install a new sign for my business?
All signs must be approved by the Planning Department and the Building Department. Permit fees associated with signs are through the Building Department. When applying for a sign permit, please submit three sets of plans that show the details of the sign including square footage and letter height/color, linear feet of the building frontage, and any electrical details connected to the signage.
Sign standards and regulations are stipulated in Chapter 9.164 of the Lake Forest Municipal Code. Certain shopping centers have their own Planned Sign Program that specify unique regulations. Contact the Planning Division at (949) 461-3535 to find out if your property is regulated by a Planned Sign Program.
For more information please view: Chapter 9.164 of the Lake Forest Municipal Code. - Do I need a permit to display a banner at my business for a grand opening or other special event or sale?
A Temporary Banner Permit is required to display a banner. A business is allowed four banner permits per calendar year, for a maximum of 30 days per permit. A copy of the permit application and additional regulations is found here. - What kind of promotional opportunities are available for my business?
Businesses and organizations are allowed to have promotional events lasting up to ten consecutive days with the approval of a Temporary Outdoor Promotional Permit (TOPP). Examples of a temporary outdoor promotion can include: parking lot sales, outdoor merchandise displays, live entertainment, fundraisers, food and beverage sales, or any other event involving an assembly of people. For more information, view a copy of the
Temporary Outdoor Promotion Permit. - Can I display merchandise outside my business?
- Outdoor display of merchandise may be allowed on a temporary basis with approval of a Temporary Outdoor Promotion Permit (TOPP). Permanent outdoor displays may be allowed in certain zones subject to approval of a Site Development Permit (SDP). If you would like to inquire about a permanent outdoor display of merchandise at your business, contact the Planning Division at (949) 461-3535 or planning@lakeforestca.gov. The TOPP submittal requirements and regulations can be found
- What do I need to do if I want to move an existing sign or install a new sign for my business?
- Speeding
- What can I do about speeding vehicles on my street?
If vehicles speeding on your street is a recurring issue, contact Police Services at (949) 770-6011 to discuss options such as deploying a radar trailer equipped with speed display.
- What can I do about speeding vehicles on my street?
- Street Lights
- Who do I contact when a street light is out?
Street lights are owned and maintained by Southern California Edison (SCE). To report a street light outage, call the SCE 24-hour Customer Service line at 1-800-655-4555. Or, visit SCE's website www.sce.com, click on Customer Care, and then click on Online Service Requests to report the outage.
- Who do I contact when a street light is out?
- Street Maintenance
- Who do I call to report a pothole or sidewalk issue?
Please call Public Works at (949) 461-3480 or submit a ticket at Ask Lake Forest here.
- Who do I call to report a pothole or sidewalk issue?
- Street Sweeping
- When and how often is my street swept? What is the rainy/windy day and holiday street sweeping schedule?
Public streets in Lake Forest are swept once a week by R.F. Dickson Co., Inc. Sweeping day in your neighborhood occurs on the day after your trash is collected. If your trash is collected on a Friday, your street is swept on Monday. If you live on a private street, contact your homeowner’s association to obtain your street sweeping schedule. - What is the rainy day and holiday street sweeping schedule?
The City’s contractor, R.F. Dickson Co., Inc, does not sweep streets during heavy rain events. Streets will be swept on the following week. If your trash collection day is moved to a Saturday due to a holiday, sweeping will be done on the following Monday. - The street sweeper did not clean the gutter in front of my house. Why?
The street sweeper may not have swept in front of your house for several reasons: 1) A parked car was blocking the area. Street sweepers take up to two car lengths, before and after parked vehicles, to swing out and around a parked car and resume sweeping the gutter line. 2) It is an observed holiday and the sweeping has been delayed by one day. Typically, if your regular sweeping day is during the week, Monday - Thursday, the sweeping will be delayed by one day. If your seeping day is Friday, expect your street to be swept on the following Monday. 3) Heavy rain or wind necessitated the cancellation of the street sweeping for the day. Your street will be swept on the following week.
- When and how often is my street swept? What is the rainy/windy day and holiday street sweeping schedule?
- Telecommunications
- Does Cox Communications have an exclusive franchise to provide cable television services in Lake Forest?
Although Cox Communications is currently the only non-satellite TV service provider in Lake Forest, the franchise to provide cable television services between the City and Cox Communications is non-exclusive, as stated in Lake Forest Municipal Code Section 5.31.030(F). If other vendors expressed interest, the City is able to grant one or more franchises to construct and operate a cable system. - What is the status of the AT&T U-verse project in Lake Forest?
While AT&T has obtained permits to install infrastructure to provide U-Verse, also known as the Light Speed Project, the company has notified the City that the project is currently inactive and all the planned work has already been performed. To speak with a service representative, call 1-800-288-2020. - Is Verizon FiOS available in Lake Forest?
No. Verizon has not expressed an interest in establishing the infrastructure required to support FiOS in Lake Forest. If Verizon is interested in offering FiOS in Lake Forest, the City would be happy to work with them.
- Does Cox Communications have an exclusive franchise to provide cable television services in Lake Forest?
- Traffic Signals
- Who do I contact about concerns regarding traffic signals?
When contacting the City, please be sure to identify the location of the traffic signals in question. Contact Public Works at (949) 461-3480 (24-hour voicemail) or by submitting a ticket at Ask Lake Forest.
- Who do I contact about concerns regarding traffic signals?
- Trash Pickup/Recycle
What is the Holiday trash pick-up schedule?
Trash pickup is delayed one day for the following holidays: Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day. -
Who do I call for a special trash pickup for large items?
Every residential customer is entitled to two "bulky item" pick-ups per calendar year, free of charge. To arrange for the free pick-up of items such as refrigerators, sofas, mattresses, or water heaters without extra charge, call CR&R Waste Services Customer Service at (800) 826-9677 or visit www.crrwasteservices.com. -
Where can I take my used oil to be recycled?
There are seven (7) businesses in Lake Forest that are State Certified Used Oil Collection Centers, which accept used motor oil:
- AutoZone, 24361 Muirlands Blvd., 455-1995
- Big O Tires, 20742 Lake Forest Dr., 462-9088
- Firestone, 24421 Rockfield Blvd., 581-2660
- O'Reilly Autoparts, 24601 Raymond Way, 829-8292
- Pep Boys, 22671 Lake Forest Dr., 855-9593
- USA Express Tire & Service Inc., 24561 Trabuco Rd., 454-8001
- Foothill Auto Service, 26911 Vista Terrace, 770-5956 -
Where can I obtain information on billing for residential and commercial trash service?
CR&R provides residential and commercial trash service under a franchise award by the Lake Forest City Council. For billing information, please contact CR&R directly at (949) 625-6735
- Trees
- Can I get more information about the Expand the Forest program?
The Expand the Forest program allows members of the community to dedicate a tree in memory of departed loved ones or to commemorate special occasions while encouraging expansion of our urban forest. Trees are $70 and are planted and maintained in public parks.
Sponsors will receive a formal Certificate of Acknowledgment, signed by the City Council. Names of sponsors, trees selected, planting location and any pertinent dedication information is also published in The Leaflet, the City's bi-monthly newsletter. For more information, contact Public Works at (949) 461-3480. To view the City Council selected tree palette of approved trees, visit
Expand The Forest - Do I need a permit to cut down or trim a tree on my own property?
No, with the exception of eucalyptus trees. From April 1 through October 31, a permit is required for the cutting of eucalyptus trees. The Development Services Department, located on the 1st floor of Lake Forest City Hall, is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and alternating Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to accept permit applications. If you are a member of a homeowners association, please check to see if your homeowners association has a master permit for this purpose. - How do I get my parkway tree trimmed?
Residential parkway trees are owned and maintained by the adjacent property owner. As such, the property owner is responsible for watering and pruning the tree.
- Can I get more information about the Expand the Forest program?
- Utilities
- How do I contact the Gas Company?
Southern California Gas Company can be reached at (800) 427-2200, or visit their website
www.socalgas.com - How do I contact Southern California Edison?
SCE 24-hour Customer Service line is (800) 655-4555, or visit their website at www.sce.com - Who do I contact about local telephone service?
Contact AT&T at (800) 288-2020, or visit www.att.com - Who do I contact for cable, telephone, and internet services?
Contact Cox at (800) 234-3993, or visit www.cox.com.
- How do I contact the Gas Company?
- Water Service and Water Quality
- Who do I contact about my water and sewer service?
Lake Forest is served by three separate agencies that provide water and sewer service. The majority of Lake Forest, including Foothill Ranch and most of Portola Hills, is served by the Irvine Ranch Water District.
•The Irvine Ranch Water District is located at 15600 Sand Canyon Ave., Irvine, CA 92618-3102, and can be reached at (949) 453-5300, or online at www.irwd.com.
•The El Toro Water District provides service to addresses south of El Toro Road between Northcrest and Marguerite Parkway, south of Cherry between Northcrest and the railroad tracks, south of El Toro between railroad tracks and Muirlands, and south of Ridge Route between the railroad tracks and the I-5 freeway. The El Toro Water District is located at 24251 Los Alisos Blvd. and can be reached at (949) 837-7050, or online at www.etwd.com.
• A portion of Portola Hills is served by the Trabuco Canyon Water District, located at 32003 Dove Canyon Dr. Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679. The Trabuco Canyon Water District can be reached at (949) 858-0277, or online at www.tcwd.ca.gov. - Who should I call for questions about water quality and pollution prevention?
Please contact Devin Slaven, Environmental Manager, at (949) 461-3436. - What should I do to report suspected pollutions, spills, dumping, or illegal discharges into the storm drain system?
If it is a chemical spill/hazardous materials emergency, call the Polluting Reporting Hotline at (714) 561-6363.
For other spills, illegal dumping, illegal discharges, or suspected pollution, contact the City's 24-hour Pollution Reporting Hotline at (877)-897-7455, or you may contact Public Works (949) 461-3480 during business hours.
- Who do I contact about my water and sewer service?
- Website
- Who should I call if I have a comment regarding the website or to report website problems?
If you have a comment regarding the City’s website, or to report a broken link or any error, contact Jonathan Volzke at jvolzke@lakeforestca.gov or at (949) 282-5214, or you may use Ask Lake Forest. - Our company offers utility services. Could you add our company information under the Public Utilities page of the website?
The City regulates the content that is provided on our City website and currently only lists companies that either have a Franchise Agreement with the City or are direct providers and not independent retailers. - How do I request an event to be placed on the City’s calendar on the website?
The City's website policy specifically addresses requests from the community to include events on the City's website calendar. The policy is as follows:
The primary purpose of the Community Calendar is to share community-wide meetings and events occurring throughout the City. Community events must support a government, non-profit, community-oriented, or educational interest. Events that promote a specific religious or political agenda are not accepted. The City must receive a request ten calendar days prior to the event date.
Members of the public may submit event information for inclusion on the Community Calendar if (1) that event is open to the general public, (2) occurs within the boundaries of the city (limited special exceptions made for elsewhere in Orange County) and (3) meets one of the following criteria:- Organized or funded by another government agency;
- Organized by a government-funded agency or board;
- Organized by a city-affiliated group;
- An organization identified as eligible for city funding or community grants;
- Funded in full, or in part, by the city;
- Sponsored by the city;
- Organized by a charitable organization with a registered charitable number and operating within the city;
- Organized by a service club operating within the city;
- Located in a facility owned or leased by the city; or
- Is a community event that is not-for-profit and open to all members of the public (all-ages).
Requirements and Restrictions
The more information provided by the submitting organization, the easier it is for the City to determine whether to post an event. Submitting organizations are encouraged to fill out the online form completely with all pertinent information regarding the event. This includes information such as:- Event title
- Event details
- Date
- Time
- Location (street address)
- Fee, if any, including how and when it needs to be paid
- Public contact for more information/to RSVP
- Contact name, email, and phone number
- Event and/or sponsor website URL
Notices and announcements shall be limited to:- The name of the group, organization, or person sponsoring the event.
- A concise description of the event.
- Date of the event.
- Any applicable fees.
Events submitted for posting containing any of the following shall not be approved for posting:- Profane language or content.
- Events that promote a specific religious or political activity or belief.
- Sexual content or links to sexual content.
- Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation.
- Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity.
- Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.
- Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party.
- How can I get to the City’s official Facebook and Twitter sites through the website?
You can directly access the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages by clicking on the icons located on the footer on the main homepage. Or, simply visit our social media page.
- Who should I call if I have a comment regarding the website or to report website problems?
- Wrecked and Abandoned Vehicles
- If someone leaves an abandoned vehicle on my property, how do I have it removed?
Contact a private towing company to arrange for towing the vehicle from your property. - Can I park my non-operational car on the street or driveway?
No. Vehicles parked on the street or driveway must be operational and have a current DMV registration. Non-operating vehicles must be kept in the garage or other areas out of public view. - What can I do about cars and trucks parked in front of my house?
California State law states vehicles parked on the street for more than 72 hours may be considered abandoned vehicles. Contact the Orange County Sheriff’s Department at (949) 770-6011 to report the location and description of the vehicle. Parking control staff will make sure the vehicle is not stolen, confirm it is properly registered, and mark the vehicle's tire. The vehicle can be cited 72 hours after it is marked and ultimately towed away at the owner's expense. Anyone may park their vehicle on a public street if it is legally parked and properly registered.
For more information on oversized vehicles, refer to the City’s Municipal Code, Chapter 12.16 Stopping, Standing and Parking, 12.16.070 Oversized Vehicle Parking Regulations.
- If someone leaves an abandoned vehicle on my property, how do I have it removed?
- Zoning & Uses
- What is the zoning designation for my property?
Click here for the City’s Zoning Map. You will need to provide the street address or County Tax Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) for the property you are inquiring about. If you have any questions about the zoning of the property, please contact the Planning Division at (949) 461-3535 or planning@lakeforestca.gov.
2. How do I determine what uses are allowed on my property?
The City’s Zoning Code Section 9.72.090(a) includes the “Land Use Matrix,” which is a table that includes a list of non-residential uses and specifies whether each listed use is permitted, prohibited, or requires a Site Development Permit or Use Permit in the corresponding zone.
Click Here for the Land Use Matrix
Click Here for the City’s Guide to Using the Land Use Matrix
Click Here for the City’s Zoning Map
Contact the Planning Division at 949-461-3535 or planning@lakeforestca.gov if you have questions about the “Land Use Matrix.”
3. What are the City's on-site parking requirements for residential and non-residential (e.g., commercial, industrial, religious assembly) uses?
Parking requirements for residential and non-residential uses are listed in Chapter 9.168 of the Lake Forest Municipal Code. Disabled accessible parking requirements are stipulated in Table 11B-208.2 of the California Building Code. The minimum dimensions of a standard parking stall are 9’-0" x 18"-0". The minimum two-way parking lot drive aisle width is 24’-0". For more information please view Chapter 9.168 of the Lake Forest Municipal Code.
- What is the zoning designation for my property?