الرئيسية Departments Public Works Traffic Lake Forest Traffic Projects LAKE FOREST TRAFFIC PROJECTS Traffic improvement projects are developed to enhance traffic safety, facilitate traffic circulation, and provide congestion relief throughout Lake Forest. These traffic projects continue the City's commitment to promote optimal traffic conditions. Citywide Traffic Signal Management Program As part of the Traffic Signal Management Program, the City is implementing new and improved ways to keep traffic flowing while reducing harmful emissions to the environment, such as: Upgrading equipment to monitor intersections remotely while continuing to deploy field staff to resolve any signal issues that may cause delays. Allowing City staff to operate and adjust traffic signal timing from City Hall. Upgrading to an advanced controller system called Centracs to allow City traffic signals to "talk" or share data with traffic signals in adjoining cities, allowing the City to adjust signal timing as traffic patterns and volumes demand. In 2014, the City performed 24-hour average daily traffic (ADT) counts at 120 key locations in the City. The data is used to re-time traffic signals as needed, help the city enhance its understanding of traffic patterns, and aid the planning of future traffic improvement projects. These counts will be updated every two years. Illuminated Street Name Sign Panels Deteriorated sign panels at traffic signals are being replaced citywide which will improve traffic safety and visibility. A 2013 inventory of internally illuminated street name sign panels identified 176 panels needing replacement due to weather damage. The installation began in July 2013 and continued through 2016. TRAFFIC Neighborhood Traffic Lake Forest Traffic Projects Traffic Signals FAQ Traffic Signal Synchronization Traffic Signal Coordination Road Construction Regional Road Projects