الرئيسية Government Ordinances, Resolutions, and Municipal Code Local Legislation - Ordinances, Resolutions, and Municipal Code Ordinances are the laws of the City. City Councils are given the power to pass ordinances through state law, as long as those ordinances are not in conflict with the Constitution and the laws of the State of California or the United States. An ordinance is the most binding form of action taken by the City Council; the violation is a misdemeanor unless by ordinance it is made an infraction. With minor exceptions, ordinances are codified into the Municipal Code (muni code) where they become acts of law within the City’s jurisdictional boundaries. Resolutions, while not generally carrying the full force or weight of law, constitute written action or decision of the City. Resolutions may be adopted by the City Council, the Planning Commission, or the Community Services Commission. Copies of ordinances may be requested from the City Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. Local Legislation: New Laws and Regulations The City Council is vested with the authority to adopt laws, also referred to as ordinances. Ordinances are then codified into the City's Municipal Code. View the Lake Forest Municipal Code for a complete listing of City laws and regulations. Copies of ordinances may be requested from the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Contact Us Physical Address 100 Civic Center Drive Lake Forest, CA 92630 View Map Phone: (949) 461-3400 Fax: (949) 461-3511 Hours Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GOVERNMENT Elections City Council Commissions and Boards Meeting Agendas and Minutes Municipal Code Ordinances and Resolutions Government Transparency Public Notices