Lake Forest Street Sweeping Program
Sweepers removing litter from your neighborhood and commercial areas not only help keep them clean but also prevent grime and pollutants from entering our local creeks, lakes, and the ocean. To successfully sweep our streets, we’re asking for your help to move your car on street sweeping day.
Residential street sweeping has changed from weekly to twice per month. Our contractor will continue weekly street sweeping on arterial roads and the 12 high-priority street segments (approved by the City Council), which are:
MAP 1st and 3rd Sweeping Enforcement Areas April 2023
MAP 2nd and 4th Sweeping Enforcement Areas April 2023
- Orange Avenue from Jeronimo Road to Front Street
- Jeronimo from Orange to Cherry (southside)
- Front Street from Olive Avenue to Cherry Avenue
- Olive Avenue from Front Street to Front Street
- Cherry Avenue from Jeronimo Road to Front Street
- 2nd Street from El Toro Road to Cherry Avenue and from Los Alisos Boulevard to the end of 2nd Street
- Montcliff Drive
- Rimhurst Drive
- Gowdy Avenue from Golden Eagle Lane to Duryea Drive
- Farthing Street except for the northside between Jeronimo Road and the end of 25091 Farthing Street
- Calle Tres Lomas from Cavanaugh Road to Dune Mear Road
- Highridge Way from Malabar Road to the southerly property line of 19792 Highridge Way
Your Sweep Day
Residential street sweeping occurs twice a month. Typically one day after trash service for most neighborhoods. Please contact 949-461-3480 if you have questions regarding your neighborhood’s sweeping schedule.
If a holiday is observed by the City’s franchised waste hauler and/or a City-recognized holiday falls within the Monday-to-Friday schedule, the regular sweeping schedule shall resume the day following the holiday with the fifth day of sweeping on the Saturday following the holiday.
How You Can Help
It’s simple! Moving your car on street sweeping day is the most important thing you can do to ensure clean streets. Always obey posted "no parking" or street sweeping schedule signs to avoid tickets or towing.
Contact Us
If you need additional information, please contact our contractor Athens Services at (888) 336-6100 or visit their website at