Home Fourth of July Parade Fourth of July Parade Fourth of July Parade American flags, lawn chairs, and nearly 14,000 people will line the streets for this year's "Lake Forest Thrives in 2025” 32nd Annual Fourth of July Parade! Parade route - Starts at 9:30 am. Parade entry registration is from March 4 - June 4. To find out more about this event, including the route and parking information, contests, and volunteer opportunities, please email lhunter@lakeforestca.gov or call (949) 461-3451. Entry Guidelines Drivers of motorized vehicles must be at least 18 years old and be able to submit proof of a valid driver's license and current insurance. Only nine Car Club entries are allowed. Each Car Club entry is limited to a maximum of 12 vehicles. Other than Car Clubs, the Parade Committee will only allow a certain number of vehicles per entry. Business vehicles must provide entertainment and/or sponsor the parade at the discretion of the Parade Committee. Any entry that arrives differently than what was approved is subject to removal from the parade. The Parade Committee shall remove any entry deemed unfit and/or unsafe. To participate in the parade, a representative from your entry must attend 1 of 4 parade participant meetings held in person and virtually on the following dates and times: Tuesday, June 10 at 6:00 pm at The Sports Park (28000 Rancho Pkwy) Wednesday, June 11 at 6:00 pm at The Sports Park (28000 Rancho Pkwy) Thursday, June 12 at The Sports Park (28000 Rancho Pkwy) By registering, you agree that your entry will abide by these rules. Parade Entry Registration El Toro 5K Information Parade Photos Fourth of July Parade FAQs What time does the parade start? The parade starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp. Where is the parade route located? The parade route is located on Toledo Way, Serrano Road, Ridge Route, and Lake Forest. The parade starts at the corner of Toledo Way and Ridge Route Drive (in front of El Toro High School) and ends on Serrano Road before Ridge Route. What streets will be closed on the day of the parade? Please visit our 4th of July Parade page for information about street closures. 4th of July Parade Page. Is there a map available of the parade route and street closures? Yes. Please visit our 4th of July Parade page for more information about street closures including a map. 4th of July Parade Page. If I have a question on the day of the parade, where should I go? Please go to the Information booth, for any questions. We will be at a tent, located in front of El Toro High School. What time should I arrive and where can I park? If you are a participant of the parade you can check in at a check-in booth between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. All entrants must be checked in at this time. If you have a large group, please have a representative check in and designate a specific place to meet the rest of your organization. If you are a parade observer we recommend coming as early as possible, remember the parade starts at 9:30 a.m. sharp. Parking is located in the El Toro High School back parking lot, which can be accessed on Serrano Rd from El Toro Rd. This parking lot does fill up quickly. Parking can also be found on Lake Forest Drive and Serrano Road. Can I sign up to participate in the parade the day of? The registration deadline to participate is found on the 4th of July Parade's website. After the specified time, the City will not take any more applicants. Can I sign up to participate in the parade and where do participants go when they arrive? Please check our registration page, to submit your application online. Car Clubs shall check in and stage on Ridge Route (Enter from Jeronimo Road). Bands shall check in and stage on Ridge Route, entering from Serrano Road. Equestrians shall check in and stage at La Madera Elementary School parking lot, entering from Serrano Road. General parade entries (if your parade entry is not a band, a car club, or an equestrian entry) please check in at Toledo Way and Killy Street, which can be accessed from El Toro Road. Can I bring my pet? Yes, please make sure to have your pet on a leash. Where are the restrooms? There will be restrooms located at El Toro High School as well as portable toilets located along the parade route. Special Events Fourth of July FAQs Special Events Summer Concerts Movies in the Park Snowfest Programs