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- Roles & Responsibilities
- What is the City's role in the Portola Center development process?
As the Portola Center development moves from the programmatic (big picture) phase to the project (details) phase, the city's role is to be an advocate for the community to ensure the applicant delivers the best possible project. The City will be reviewing each of the applicant's project components (i.e., grading concept, neighborhood density, project amenities) against three criteria:
- Does it meet the requirements of state law and local codes?
- Does it agree with the conditions in the signed Development Agreement?
- Does it meet the definition of good planning and design?
Good planning and design means the project will be livable upon completion of the project as well as in the future. The layout will be carefully and thoughtfully designed to ensure compatibility with existing / surrounding uses, efficient access and circulation, and harmonious aesthetics that blend with the existing landscape and architecture. Throughout this process, the city is committed to promoting transparency and facilitating community engagement.
- What is the role of the Portola Center owners in the development process?
Portola Center is owned by USA Portola Properties, LLC and Sun Ranch Capital Partners, LLC. Stephen Haase, Vice-President with Baldwin and Sons, is their representative in the development process. Their role as the project applicant is to provide the city with required project documents, which are the basis for the City's evaluation of their proposal.
- What role does the community play in the development process?
Your role as a community member is to engage in as much, or as little, of the process as you wish. Opportunities were made available for community input and feedback throughout the process, including:
- EIR Notice of Preparation (NOP) 30 Day Public Review Period (June 15, 2012 - July 16, 2012)
- EIR NOP Scoping Meeting (July 10, 2012)
- Planning Commission Site Tour and Workshop (July 12, 2012)
- Portola Hills Traffic Workshop I (September 12, 2012)
- Planning Commission Workshop - Grading and Retaining Walls (September 27, 2012)
- Portola Hills Traffic Workshop II (October 22, 2012)
- Portola Hills Traffic Workshop III (December 12, 2012)
- Planning Commission Workshop - Retaining Walls (January 11, 2013)
- Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 45-Day Public Review Period (June 28, 2013)
- Planning Commission Public Hearing (October 10, 2013)
- City Council Public Hearing (November 5, 2013)