Home Departments Community Services Facilities Sportspark Recreation Center Reservations Aactivity and Meeting Rooms ACTIVITY AND MEETING ROOMS The City offers small and large meeting rooms available for rent by local businesses, non-profit organizations, and public agencies. The Sports Park offers two small meeting rooms that may be rented individually or combined to form one large meeting room. For more information, please contact Lake Forest Sports Park at Lfsproomrental@lakeforestca.gov or (949) 273-6960. All Sports Park room rental fees are per hour. Click here for the Rental Packet and Room Rental Application # Classification Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 1 Small Meeting Room (Cleaning Deposit $100) No Charge No Charge $25 $30 $45 $50 $60 2 Large Meeting Room (Cleaning Deposit $200) No Charge No Charge $45 $60 $75 $100 $120 4 Room Rental Cancellations within Four Working Days No Charge No Charge $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 Group 1: City Sponsored or Co-Sponsored - All City of Lake Forest initiated, conducted, or co-sponsored activities and agencies with a reciprocal use agreement and governmental agencies servicing Lake Forest residents. Group 2: Resident Non-Profit Organization - Resident non-profit organizations conducting social, cultural, educational, or recreational activities are considered in this group. Group 3: Resident Private Party - Residents requesting use for a private party. Group 4: Non-Resident Non-Profit Organization: - Resident non-profit organizations conducting social, cultural, educational, or recreational activities are considered in this group. Group 5: Non-Resident Private Party - Residents requesting use for a private party. Group 6: Commercial entities or organizations located in Lake Forest. Group 7: Commercial entities or organizations not located in Lake Forest. Additional Rental Fees (Per Use) TV - $25 Podium - No Charge For purposes of this Policy, a "resident" is defined as any individual living or working in the City of Lake Forest. Lake Forest businesses may reserve meeting rooms in City Facilities. For purposes of this Policy, a "Lake Forest" business has a physical site or location within the City. Such businesses shall not use City Facilities for commercial purposes, such as selling or vending goods or services of any kind during a rental reservation, charging a fee or tuition, or accepting any consideration from attendees during a rental reservation, if the profits, fees, or other consideration accepted generate funds for the business. Public agencies may reserve City Facilities if the purpose of the meeting is to benefit or serve Lake Forest residents. Reservation requests will be granted based on the availability of City staff to supervise the event. The City reserves the right to deny an applicant's rental request if the applicant does not fit the criteria provided in this Policy, or if the applicant or anyone in the applicant's group has previously violated any rule in this Policy. All entities other than the City are limited to a maximum of twelve (12) one-day reservations per year. Reservations may be made as early as forty-five (45) days before the applicant's event but must be made at least two (2) weeks in advance of the event date. Reservations for City-sponsored activities will take priority at all times. The City reserves the right to cancel a reservation for a non-City sponsored event for any reason. If the City cancels such a reservation, the applicant's fees will be refunded to the applicant. Cleaning deposits of $100 or $200 will be refunded within thirty (30) days of the reservation date, provided that rental facilities do not require additional cleaning, maintenance, or repair to be deducted from cleaning deposits. Whether additional cleaning, maintenance, or repair is needed shall be in the City's sole and absolute discretion. All required fees must be paid at the time the reservation is made. Proof of insurance, as required and approved by the City's Risk Manager, is required for reservations for groups of fifty (50) or more persons. The certificate of insurance must demonstrate that the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers have been named as additional insured on the applicant's insurance policy providing coverage for bodily injury and property damage as a result of the applicant's use of the City Facility. Insurance must be approved at least seven (7) days before the event date. Inadequate insurance may be cause for the City to cancel a rental reservation. Rentals are subject to all applicable City of Lake Forest ordinances. Under Government Code Section 3207, City Facilities shall not be used for political events, including, without limitation, campaign meetings or political rallies. No alcohol shall be allowed to be served, consumed, or otherwise present during any rental of the City Facilities. All reservations must end no later than the time listed in the rental permit. Groups must be cleaned up and out of the room at this time. The group or organization is responsible for the cleanliness of the room upon completion of the reservation. Reservations Activity and Meeting Rooms BBQ/Picnic Shelters Fields Gymnasium Gymnasium Policies and Schedule Tournament Field Rental Hotel Accommodations Bounce Houses