Orange County One-Stop Centers are committed to building individual, professional success and offering business services to Orange County-based businesses.
Professional Services
The Orange County One-Stop Centers provide comprehensive employment and training services, including a Resource Center with access to computers, fax machines, copiers, and telephones. Other services include:
A Career Resource Library
Job Leads
Job Search Workshops
Labor Market Informational Resources
Networking Opportunities
On-site Interviews With Local Employers
A Resume Distribution Program
Training Programs
Transferable Skills Informational Resources
Veteran Transition Services
There are also programs for youth, older workers, people with disabilities, adults, dislocated workers, veterans, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program recipients.
Businesses Services
The Orange County One-Stop Centers specialize in helping companies fill vacant positions by connecting them with the thousands of job seekers who utilize Orange County One-Stop services to train, search, and interview for jobs every year. Through a combination of local and national resources, strong city and community partnerships, the Orange County One-Stop provides free business support services to companies and equips job seekers with the resources necessary to compete for high-demand jobs. Email one of the Orange County One-Stop Center's business representatives today to learn about on-the-job training programs, customized training, and recruitment services to accelerate your business' growth and success.